Thursday, December 8, 2011

Com 426

If you are thinking of taking Com 426, go for it. It is a great class. You will learn how to write a news article from a professional. The teacher is really good and really willing to help.
Don’t take Com 328 and Com 426 together. You will be doing too much writing and a lot of reading. Also, Com 315 (Photojournalism) is a great class to take before Com 426. It will teach you how to take pictures like a professional.
Best Regards,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The cleveland Stater Class

I really like this class. It gives me the freedom to write and grow at really convenient times. They give you an electronic key The Cleveland Stater room, and you can come and go at all types of hours.
I can come and write whenever I choose to is the greatest thing about this class. Another great thing about Com 426 is the teacher. He is very helpful and very pleasant. He is one of the very few teachers who are willing to help you because he or she cares about your performance.
Best Regards,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Religious Insight

Here is the poem I promised. If you are into religion and you are a righteous person, you will love it. I wrote the following poem when I was attending Tri-C.
I am still depressed because I have a load of work to do, but that is life. Enjoy the poem! Later.
Best Regards,
I Do Tell
Their secret I do tell
For them to stay alive is to deceive
For the people all move about like snails
One would do good to pack-up and sail
For longevity in Hell is hard o conceive
Their secret I do tell
It all started when Adam fell
But, late at night they do grieve
For the people all move about like snails
Not your home you do sell
Stole it from Adam one does perceive
Their secret I do tell
His bad deeds are long like a tail
Hold on to your hat, God will send soldiers to relieve
For the people all move about like snails
Put plugs in your ears for he shall wail
Fire and brimstone is just dessert one does believe
Their secret I do tell
For the people all move about like snails
                -Elijah John

Friday, October 21, 2011

Online Diary

I have been very busy lately. This semester I will have to turn in about 24 papers. That is a lot of writing. On top of that, I obligated to interview several people as reference for 10 news articles.
Nevertheless, I am starting to like writing. I can see it getting a lot easier. If you read enough, writing becomes a natural and easy process.
I never thought that I would be playing around with words like this. Until I started back to college, I only completed like third or fourth grade. So reading and writing is not a natural strong point for me.
When I first started writing back at CCC, in a marketing class, it took me eight hours to write a good short paragraph. Since I have been pursuing a degree in journalism, I can write a good article in eight hours.
I will be posting a poem I write at Tri-C. It is about religion. It is about the devil getting burned, and it’s kind of funny. If you are religious, you will probably laugh.
I really think God has a job for me to accomplish. Think the task involves the whole world. To help facilitate the job, I think I’ll start a religious news website.
I think judgment day is coming. If you want to count down with me as the editor and producer of the site, check me out. I will keep you posted on its creation.
Best Regards,

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Deon's blog for Com 426

I have created a blog for Com 426. This appears to be a tough class.